Are you ready to get serious about your shovel game?
Check out these Romanian Folding Shovels!
These Romanian folding shovels are quite possibly my personal favorite entrenching tool on the market. So much so, I Feel bad writing this as I want to keep my limited supply for myself.
Everyone needs the chance to own at least one right?!?!...
Here we have it folks, A genuine Romanian Military surplus folding shovel or, entrenching tool if you prefer.
Coiming in hot with a metal blade and serrated edge with cover, this folding shovel is serious business. We love this folding shovel for the absolute grit this shovel has on life. Decades old and still in fine working order, built to pass it down to the next generation.
A total length of 22" makes it small and capable of tasks in tight areas. Folding it down to 15" and you have the smallest field shovel on the market today. Combine that with a 2.6lbs in weight and a solid wood handle, you're looking to accomplish whatever you set your mind too without sacrificing crucial space in your pack or fatiguing yourself from carrying a heavy shovel.
All in all, this is our by far favorite shovel and we will be sad to see it part. Don't let this shovel pass you up.